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[Infographic] 2014 Booking Abandonment Forecast

[Infographic] 2014 Booking Abandonment Forecast


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A great infographic revealing the latest booking abandonment statistics in travel & leisure.
We recently published our 2014 Cart Abandonment Forecast Infographic which focused on the key metrics relevant to cart abandonment in various retail sub-sectors.
But what about the travel & leisure sector, where a highly competitive market, and typically elongated checkouts and booking processes, mean that booking abandonment rates are higher than abandonment rates for traditional retail sites (74% in travel, compared to 71% in retail for SaleCycle clients in 2013). We’ve broken the travel sector down to look at Airlines, Online Travel Agents (OTAs), Car Hire, Cruises & Ferries, and Hotels & Lodgings.

Check out our 2014 Booking Abandonment Forecast, based on averages from over 100 leading travel companies and their email remarketing results to see how your sector lines up!
Booking Abandonment Stats

Let Your Remarketing Fly…

As the infographic shows, it’s clear to see the power of remarketing emails across the travel sector, with an average open rate of over 50%, click-through of nearly 19%, and an average conversion rate of 28%. 
Higher average order values mean that the revenue generated per each remarketing email sent is a significant $20.62 across the travel sector, with Ferries & Cruises and Hotels & Lodgings leading the way at around $27 per email sent!
Add consumer behavior triggered On-Site Remarketing into the mix, to talk to those customers who go to abandon their booking before they give you their email address, and your remarketing activity will really take off!

 Want to learn how to capitalize on your booking abandonment?

Then check out this 20 minute webinar to see how the world’s top travel marketers are effectively utilizing booking recovery emails to regain lost sales!



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