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Ecommerce Sales
Conversion Calculator

Input your website’s information and get your instant ecommerce sales conversion rate,
as well as email conversion rates and potential revenue uplift.

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Visits Per Month

Average Order Value

Current Conversion

Current Abandonment Rate

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Ecommerce Sales Conversion Calculator

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is essential to a website’s ability to generate revenue and custom. Website traffic can leave at multiple points during the visitors journey, which means there are several elements of a site that can be optimised to stop people leaving.

SaleCycle’s ecommerce conversion rate calculator is designed to help you see just how much we can save you and your business.

It’s simple to use and gives you a clear indication just how much you could be losing to your competition. The website sales conversion calculator even allows you to change industries, this will show you the baseline of what we expect to see in different markets such as travel, retail and fashion sectors.

How To Use The Sales Conversion Calculator?

You’ll need some general information about your online sales, including monthly website traffic, current conversion rate (number of monthly sales/monthly traffic), the average order value (total order value per month / monthly sales) and finally, the current number of people abandoning baskets on your site (if you know it).

This will give us the information we need to generate a bespoke results email instantly.

Using the numbers imputed into the ecommerce sales conversion calculator, we will apply averages from some of our most innovative and successful clients to generate the following results.

You’ll get current conversion rate information as well as potential uplift in a number of areas such as email marketing.

Ecommerce Conversion Rate Calculator FAQs

Our free ecommerce sales conversion calculator provides free and instant results. The formula behind the conversion calculator is based on millions of conversions that we track every day. This brings you an accurate calculation.

Using a free website conversion rate calculator takes the guesswork out of your online sales projections. Therefore making sure the data you make your marketing decisions on are accurate.

Tweak marketing campaigns or identify potential problems in your conversion funnel when you know about current online sales conversion rates, email marketing micro conversions.

Using these ecommerce calculations can help you spot business opportunities such as email marketing improvements or average order value and pricing changes.

SaleCycles’s sales conversion calculator also enables you to benchmark your current sales conversion rates and revenue with your competitors.

The sales conversion rate calculation is when you take the number of conversions and then divide that number by the total number of interactions within a single session.

For example, if you had 20 conversions from 1000 interactions your conversion rate would be 2% because 20/1000 = 0.2.

A conversion is when a user takes a desired action such as purchases a product, signs up to a service or requests a demo.

Your sales conversion rate affects your sales revenue and therefore the growth and profits of your ecommerce business.

You get more value from your online traffic by increasing your sales conversions or any conversion rate. Getting more value from each visitor you get to your website will grow your business faster.