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[New Travel Data] SaleCycle vs Non-SaleCycle Campaigns: Time From Abandonment to Purchase

[New Travel Data] SaleCycle vs Non-SaleCycle Campaigns: Time From Abandonment to Purchase


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As the travel industry opens up with the traffic light system in place. SaleCycle have produced an in-depth study on the time from abandonment to purchase in the travel sector. 

We have a selection of data within the travel industry and more importantly a results comparison between SaleCycle influenced and non-SaleCycle influenced campaigns. 

Key Takeaways

  • 60% of customers convert within 1 day with SaleCycle compared to 2 days with non-SaleCycle
  • 70% of customers convert within 2 days with SaleCycle compared to 4 days with non-SaleCycle
  • 80% of customers convert within 4 days with SaleCycle compared to 9 days with non-SaleCycle
  • 90% of customers convert within 7 days with SaleCycle compared to 22 days with non-SaleCycle 
  • SaleCycle abandonment to conversion rates are much more consistent, less volatile and less affected by seasonality than those who purchase without SaleCycle influence

Normal time from abandonment to purchase in the travel sector

Below is a summary table for the number of days it takes for each percentile of customers to convert after an abandonment. E.g. 70% of airline customers convert within 2 days whereas it is 4 days for hotel customers.

To summarise the above table:

  • 50% of all conversions occur within 1 day
  • For airlines, 70% occur within 2 days, 80% within 5, 90% within 13 and 95% within 25 days.
  • For hotels, we see this period increase slightly with 60% occurring within 2 days, 70% within 4, 80% within 9, 90% within 23 and 95% within 36 days.

Effect of SaleCycle Influence On Time From Abandonment To Conversion

Below is a summary of how conversion times differ between those influenced by SaleCycle and those not influenced by SaleCycle

The airline data don’t show much difference between SaleCycle and non-SaleCycle influenced conversions. This is most likely as a result of the very limited air travel that has occurred over the past 15 months.

Hotel data reflects much more favourably however with an average abandonment to conversion duration of 2.5 days compared to 6.4 days. 

Looking at the percentiles shows the influence of SaleCycle campaigns on reduction in abandonment time.

  • 60% convert within 1 day with SC compared to 2 days with non-SC
  • 70% convert within 2 days with SC compared to 4 days with non-SC
  • 80% convert within 4 day with SC compared to 9 days with non-SC
  • 90% convert within 7 day with SC compared to 22 days with non-SC 

In terms of seasonality, the main fluctuations in travel industry data has come from lockdowns and subsequent easing of lockdowns. There appears to be little seasonality effect in terms of conversion time outside of COVID related restrictions. The graphs below show how airline data has had a couple spikes in average abandonment times just prior to lockdowns – most likely due to the uncertainty leading into lockdowns. 

The hotel sector shows a bit of a reduction in conversion times during Summer 2020 when restrictions were eased and then an increase in conversion times once lockdown 2 and 3 were introduced. The conversion time seems to remain highly consistent towards March/April whereas the time for airline travel has shown a slight increase most likely due to uncertainty around international travel.

The average percentage of time from impression to conversion for non-salecycle influenced airline conversions
Average percentage of time from impression to conversion for non-salecycle influenced hotel conversions

We can also see how the overall volumes of airline bookings and hotel bookings have changed over the past 18 months.

When we compare SaleCycle and Non-SaleCycle influenced conversions we can see in more detail how a SaleCycle influenced campaign reduces time from abandonment through to conversion. Although airline data doesn’t show huge differences, there is quite a big difference in the times to conversion for hotel data.



Another interesting point is that conversions influenced by SaleCycle seem to have much less seasonality effect than those not influenced by SaleCycle. This can be seen when we compare the conversion times over the past 18 months between SaleCycle and non-SaleCycle. SaleCycle abandonment to conversion rates are much more stable and less volatile than those who purchase naturally.

Finally, we can see the differences in abandonment to conversion time from the table above for SaleCycle compared to non-SaleCycle influenced purchases. Although the differences aren’t massive in the airline sector there are some quite big differences in the hotel sector.


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Brad Ward

Brad Ward is the SEO & Content Manager at SaleCycle. Brad is a former magazine journalist with over 8 years experience in digital, including SEO, social media and copywriting. Brad has written thousands of articles for a range of different sectors including online gambling, travel, education, sports and ecommerce.