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Emirates vs Etihad: A Booking Process Comparison

Emirates vs Etihad: A Booking Process Comparison

In this post, we’ll look at the online booking processes of two major airlines, Etihad and Emirates.
Booking travel online can be complex, so it’s important that customers find the booking process as easy as possible to complete.
Our most recent Remarketing Report from Q2 2018 found that abandonment rates on travel sites were the highest of the five sectors we monitor, at 81.8% (the average is 75.4%).

As customers tend to take time and weigh up options on different sites when researching travel purchases, there will always be some visitors leaving without booking.
The key is to avoid unnecessary abandonment by removing areas of friction which may frustrate users.
Here, we’ll look at the journey from the homepage to the end of the booking process on Emirates and Etihad, highlighting what the sites do well, and any areas for improvement.
Not every visit plays out in this way – some just want to check flight information or look at prices – but this is the part of the journey that needs to work well when it matters.


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The Travel Research Cycle: How Do Customers Research Online Travel Purchases?

The Travel Research Cycle: How Do Customers Research Online Travel Purchases?

We look at how consumers decide on travel purchases, the channels they use to research, and the length of the decision making process. 
There is no typical travel booking process, and it will vary according to the type of travel product, and factors like price.
So, for example, a family holiday may require more consideration and research than a quick weekend trip.


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10 Tips for Better Booking Abandonment Emails

10 Tips for Better Booking Abandonment Emails

More than 81% of online travel bookings are abandoned before completion, but not necessarily lost forever. Here’s what we recommend you do next…
Customers abandon bookings for various reasons, and those that are researching, carrying out some price comparison, or checking with other travellers can be tempted back to their bookings.
It can just require the right prompt, such as an email reminding customers about their booking. Indeed, 87% of the consumers we surveyed said they would consider returning to an abandoned travel booking.
But what makes an effective booking abandonment email? Here are ten ideas…


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