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Email Sign Up

Build a valuable email database

The average email address is worth $103 to marketers. Make sure you’re getting full value from your new visitors.

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Email Signup Example

How it works

Using smart, subtle overlays on key pages of your site, new visitors are invited to sign-up to your marketing emails, ensuring that they provide clear consent to receive messaging.

Progress Bar Example

Subtle messaging

The non-intrusive design ensures that these messages influence rather than interrupt the visitor, and work on mobile just as well as desktop.

ESP integrations

The visitor enters their email address and we send the data through to your ESP in real-time. They can then be added to welcome email programmes and enjoy the delights of your emails.

Display rules

You set the rules so you can choose to show email messages dependent on traffic source, recognize return or registered visitors, and select the frequency of messages.

About Email Sign Up

Email marketing delivers some of the best ROI of any marketing channel. The DMA says that, for every £1 spent on email, it delivers an average ROI of $54. A performance like this underlines the importance of building a strong email database.

Visitors who sign up for marketing emails are expressing an interest in a company and their products, and the emails and newsletters they receive provide the basis for building relationships and offering opportunities to sell over the long term.

It pays for retailers to make it easy for visitors to sign up for emails. Not everyone will buy on their first visit, but providing other options like email sign-ups can keep them in the loop and make the route to return to the site much easier.

Our on-site email acquisition feature can be triggered in several ways, adjusting to customer behavior and different marketing goals. For example, they can be shown according to traffic source or shown more or less frequently at different times.

Through the use of smart and subtle overlays on key pages of your site, new visitors can be prompted to sign up. Once the visitor has entered their email address, data will be sent through to your ESP in real-time.

Timing is key here. We don’t want to interrupt the customer journey by asking for an email address as soon as they arrive at your site. Instead, we can trigger email sign up messages through pre-set parameters.

Visitors can be shown messages if they show exit intent (moving the cursor towards the close tab button) or after a specified period of inactivity.

Our Email Sign Up feature is designed to be compliant with data regulations so that the visitors have made a clear choice to receive your emails. This helps you to build a more engaged email database.

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