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Cart Reminder Request

Make it easy for shoppers to return

On average, 84% of visitors leave without purchasing the items in their shopping basket. Cart Reminders make it easy for them to return when they’re ready to buy.

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Cart Reminder Example

How it works

When a shopper looks likely to abandon a purchase, we can offer to save their cart details for later. Perfect for when people aren’t quite ready to buy.

Progress Bar Example

On-site display

When a shopper is about to leave, we can show a tailored message asking for an email so we can send them a reminder of their cart contents.

Display relevant content

Show shoppers data on product popularity, live pricing and review scores to encourage them to purchase.

Marketing consent

Cart Reminder Requests can help you to collect general marketing consent at the same time a cart email is requested through transparent and compliant messaging.

About Cart Reminder Requests

When shoppers don’t make a purchase on the first visit to a website, this isn’t necessarily because they don’t plan to buy. Instead, many people are just researching, checking products, and prices before they make a final decision.

Our stats show that 52% of shoppers abandon shopping carts for reasons related to product research. They might be just browsing to check out the products they’re interested in, or they may be comparing prices across websites to find the best deal for themselves.

This is where cart Reminder Requests can help. They can help customers during this research phase by remembering the products they added to their cart or, in the case of holiday bookings or financial quotes, save their chosen flight details or progress.

For the customer, this makes the research process more convenient, as it’s easier to pick up where they left off if they decide to return to the purchase.

For websites, it enables them to remind customers about the purchase they’re about to make and make sure they’re in the customer’s mind when they’re in a better position to buy.

This feature can also be combined with persuasive messaging, which can help to convince people to buy there and then rather than save the details for later. For example, if stock levels are low, showing this information adds a sense of urgency, which can speed up the decision-making process.

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