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Cart Abandonment SMS

Reconnect with your hottest prospects

84% of visitors add something to their shopping cart but then leave your site. Use cart abandonment SMS to remind them what they left behind.

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Basket Abandonment SMS Example

How it works

87% of people who abandon their cart say they would consider returning to purchase. They just need the right prompt.

Progress Bar Example


When a visitor leaves your site without purchasing items in their cart, we send a personalized SMS with all the details of what they’ve left behind in the cart.


Boost the performance of your campaign by adding an extra SMS cycle.


We test all elements in Cart Abandonment SMS messages, including content, and send times to find the best performing version.

About Cart Abandonment SMS

Cart Abandonment happens when visitors to a website add something to their cart but leave the site without completing a purchase.

In retail, it’s frequently called cart abandonment, but the same principle applies to other types of websites. There’s booking abandonment within the travel industry, where a customer begins the process of booking book a flight, hotel, or other travel product but leaves without finishing. Form abandonment refers to financial websites where customers leave without completing forms for insurance quotes, subscriptions, and other financial products.

In all of these cases, the fact that customers have begun the processing of buying, booking, or requesting a quote indicates a clear interest in your products or services.

Once shoppers have abandoned a purchase, that doesn’t need to be the end of the story. People often abandon because they’re not quite ready to buy at that point, not because they never intend to buy.

A well-timed cart abandonment SMS message, sent within an hour or two of the customer leaving a purchase, can persuade them to come back and complete the booking or purchase by making the process easier.

With 90% of the messages read within three minutes of being delivered, SMS cart abandonment reminders are a great way to get the attention of shoppers.

Cart abandonment messages work because they are highly relevant to shoppers, reminding them of the products they were about to buy, as well as making it nice and easy to complete the purchase.

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