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Conversion Rate Optimization

You work hard to attract shoppers to your website. SaleCycle’s conversion rate optimization features help you to turn more visitors into customers.

Using customer data, we help you create a personalized and more persuasive customer journey that makes it easier for people to make a purchase.

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Basket Abandonment Email visual

Countdown Timers

add urgency to the purchase process

Provide a helpful dose of urgency and help persuade shoppers to buy before it’s too late.

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Promo Codes

drive conversions with targeted offers

Highlight key offers, and provide compelling incentives for customers to convert.

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Promo Codes visual
Progress Bar Visual

Progress Bars

let them know how close they are

Encourage conversions by showing someone how close they are to purchase.

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Product Trends

use social proof to drive conversions

Add urgency and speed up conversions by showing key information on product popularity.

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Product Trends Visual

About Conversion Rate Optimization

Brands and retailers spend a lot of money to attract visitors to their website, but it’s also important to optimize your site to make the most of the traffic you attract.

Conversion Rate Optimization, or CRO, is all about increasing the proportion of visitors on a website that converts. This can be achieved by removing friction from customer journeys, as well as providing key information and incentives which encourage customers to convert.

A range of methods is used to improve conversion rates, from testing to find the best-performing pages to segmentation and copy optimization.

A combination of CRO methods can be used together to improve conversions. For example, insights gleaned from feedback surveys can be used to improve the checkout process, while abandonment emails and on-site conversion methods such as countdown timers can increase conversion rates.

Conversion Rate Optimization reduces the cost of customer acquisition by ensuring that the maximum number of visitors make a booking or purchase when they land on your website.

SaleCycle has a number of features that help you to increase conversion rates and to optimize the customer journey.

Underpinning every product and feature we use is the data we gather from the customer journeys we see on websites, and the expertise of our optimization teams.

Every feature we offer is tested and optimized to find the blend that performs best for our customers. We test everything, each element of cart abandonment emails, the send timing, and placement and copy used on Product Trends messages.

Good CRO is about increasing conversions by improving the customer journey and making it easier for visitors to use your website and purchase products and services.

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